It's time to wake up, Church

The Lord is speaking.. Will we listen to His heart?
get stilljoin the conversation

called to more //

As the covid-19 pandemic has spread rapidly worldwide, many of us have found ourselves feeling disconnected from community. At a time when the church is not meeting in public spaces, we felt called to create a digital gathering space to uplift and encourage one another.

We are feeling a tug to be still and know that He is God. To quiet our hearts. To meet Jesus at the well and be filled with living water.

Still is a place we enter deliberately, quietly. We live in a distracted world, and we feel there has never been a more urgent time in this lifetime to seek the Lord with our whole hearts, no matter where we find ourselves in these uncertain times. Will you join us in seeking the Lord and accept his call to go deeper still?

with love,
three strands

*God wants to know us personally

God created us in His image. The fact that we have hearts that love and feel and hurt comes from God himself. We’re made with hearts that are wired to love. Wired for relationship. Friends, God is a God of relationship. He really wants to know each and every one of us, personally. Which may seem like a stretch. But will you imagine for a moment that, if it’s possible for God to know the genetic sequencing of every living being on earth, and if it’s possible that God himself created the planets and orbits and math and wisdom, then it’s also possible for him to know us individually. And to care about each one of us equally.
The Word confirms over and over that God has good things in mind for us, a unique purpose he created for each one of us that only we can fulfill. We hope that you’ll encounter a new way of seeing God through this blog. One that challenges conventional wisdom and one that testifies to a personal God of relationship who is with us in every detail of our lives and teaches us something new in every circumstance.

From the blog

How to know God more intimately

We are made to know God intimately, yet it can sometimes feel scary to approach God’s presence. Here we look at love and forgiveness through the lens of the audacious love of a sinful woman and we look to Song of Solomon as a model for intimate prayer.

The six truths + radical surrender

While we may have had to endure grief and trials of many kinds, we can be assured that God will never leave us or forsake us and that he has good plans in store. Through radical surrender to his will, we can reach a place of peace in the midst of future unknowns.

Choose the good portion

Peace is not just a fleeting feeling: For all of us called to abundant life in Christ, it is a way of living that defies discouragement in even impossible circumstances. Jesus invites us to choose the good portion and to sit at his feet in peace.


We’re on mission to help everyone hear God’s still, small whisper to our spirits, to study the Bible in community and to be still and know the triune God. Join us!