by three strands | Jun 1, 2021 | grace, knowing God, love, prayer
We are made to know God intimately, yet it can sometimes feel scary to approach God’s presence. Here we look at love and forgiveness through the lens of the audacious love of a sinful woman and we look to Song of Solomon as a model for intimate prayer.
by three strands | Mar 8, 2021 | knowing God, love, meditation, prayer
It can be challenging to hear God above the noise and chatter of our thoughts and concerns. Yet God is our comforter and advisor in moments of uncertainty and he delights in us just as we are.
by three strands | Feb 23, 2021 | contentment, living water, love, relationship
When we think of the story of the woman at the well, we can get hung up on the fact that she has had five husbands and the man she is living with now is not her husband, but the point of the story is that only the living water from Jesus can quench our desire for love in the deepest places. We can search for love on earth, but only the eternal satifies.
by three strands | Feb 16, 2021 | addiction, contentment, love, worship
The world will tell us to chase love, but we can lose ourselves searching for it. The real transformation comes when we chase God and find the living water Jesus speaks about in John chapter 4.
by three strands | Oct 27, 2020 | forgiveness, grace, love, mercy
Most of us have had at least one David moment where something we did caused us to question whether God could ever take us back, but the scriptures tell us God’s mercy is as wide as 70 times 7 times.
by three strands | Oct 6, 2020 | forgiveness, grace, love, mercy
Above all works, Jesus cares about the posture of our hearts. The stories of the woman caught in adultery and the woman who sinned greatly and anointed Jesus’ head and feet with perfume show a God abundant in mercy and eager to forgive those with repentant hearts who truly love him.